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SMS and Text Messaging Text Messaging in Clinical Trials

Text Messaging in Clinical Trials

In order to have an effective clinical trial you MUST have compliance. If you are testing a specific drug, and the patient skips doses and forgets to take it at the specified times, it can comprise a costly study. Text messaging can be extremely useful in adherance and compliance to the study. That is not the only reason to utilize text messaging during a clinical trial. Text messaging can be used in a variety ways to assist in conducting a thorough drug study.

Medication Reminders
All of us get caught up in daily activities, and while we realize the importance of medication may forget to take it at a specific time of day. Texting medication reminders to patients participating in the study will insure that they take their scheduled dose at the appropriate time.

Text messaging can be used to teach patients or participants more about the disease or condition being treated. Educational information can be sent out to groups of participants containing information that will help then learn more about disease management.

Appointment Reminders
Text messages can be sent to remind patients about upcoming appointments, or the need to schedule a future appointment.

Share Symptoms or Concerns
Text messaging can be used as a communication channel to convey any symptoms or concerns the participant may have as a result of the drug study.

Provide Results
While texting is not a secure means of communication it can be used to say something as simple as "test results are fine" or innocuous messages that do not contain any identifying information.

Reporting Side Effects
After a dose a patient may experience a minor side effect, they are more likely to report any side effects as they happen if they are able to do it in an easy and accessible way. Sending a text message to report any adverse effects at the time they experience the side effect, may provide additional insight into why they are experiencing an adverse reaction and to what extent that reaction is occurring.

Thank Participants
Clinical trials are critical in the advancement of health care and disease management. In order to have a successful study, you must have participants. Sending text messages thank you

Text messaging is one of the most desired forms of communication by a large segment of the population. It can go along way to increase communication, compliance and adherence in pharmaceutical clinical studies and trials. Adopting text messaging as a communication vehicle can go a long way to leading an effective study.

Article Date: August 6, 2020


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