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NotePage SMS and Text Messaging Software Background

GSM-AT PageGate
Global System for Mobile communication AT Command Set


sms server and messaging gateway for networks

GSM-AT and GSM-AT-IP for Text Messaging


PageGate supports communicating with wireless hardware (i.e. modems, phones, routers, etc.) that support the AT Command Set as defined in the GSM specification. This includes the vast majority of cellular/mobile/wireless modems available today.

Using a wireless modem, wireless router, or other similar hardware can be the most reliable and efficient method to deliver SMS text messages. Wireless hardware removes an organization's reliance on an active Internet connection, or other wired connection when sending messages. Another advantage is that the only piece of information necessary to deliver messages via a wireless modem, is the recipient's phone number.

The GSM-AT protocol uses a serial connection to communicate with the wireless hardware.

In order to send a message using GSM-AT-IP you only need a single piece of information. That information is the mobile number you wish to send the message to.

Note: PageGate also supports a competing standard that uses the SMSM2M style command.

GSM-AT Protocol

The GSM-AT-IP protocol is identical to the GSM-AT protocol described above. However, this version of the protocol uses a TCP/IP connection to communicate with the wireless hardware, instead of a serial connection.

In order to send a message using GSM-AT-IP you only need a single piece of information. That information is the mobile number you wish to send the message to.


GSM-AT and GSM-AT-IP Resources

NotePage Android SMS Gateway

NotePage Android SMS Gateway App

NotePage's Android SMS Gateway Application that simulates the cell phone being a wireless modem.

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