messaging resellers
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NotePage Press Release

NotePage SMS and Text Messaging Background


NotePage, Inc. is in the process of establishing a global distribution and reseller network. We are actively looking for resellers and distributors for referrals in almost all countries.  If you are interested in becoming a part of NotePage's referral program please contact us below.

NotePager Pro PAD File Why become a reseller?
NotePage, Inc. resellers are eligible for discounts on selected products. Resellers are encouraged to bundle these products with value-added services and charge accordingly. Significant revenue potential exists for the aggressive solution provider or reseller. Resellers can provide clients complete solutions.

NotePager Pro PAD File What are the requirements?
Organizations reselling our products must staff technicians that are familiar with the installation and maintenance of mail and web servers and provide a certain level of technical expertise.  In order to qualify for the reseller discount and our referral program, the products must be for resale and registered with the enduser's information.

NotePager Pro PAD File What Product are available for resale?
Products which can be resold include: NotePager Pro,  WebGate, NotePager Net  and PageGate (all license and interface options).

NotePager Pro PAD File What are the benefits to being a NotePage reseller?
-Valuable leads in your area
-Product literature
-Evaluation software
-Premium technical support
-Product sneak peaks
-Beta testing opportunities
and more...

NotePager Pro PAD File How do I apply? 
Contact us with the following information at or 781.829.0500:
    Company Name:
    Contact Name:
    Address 1:
    Zip Code:
    Phone number:
    Fax number:
    Web Address:
    E-mail Address:
    Do you provide computer and networking service?

After your application is processed and approved, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. After an initial purchase your organization will be added to our referral program. 



paging resellers
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