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NotePage Press Release

NotePage SMS and Text Messaging Background

Reseller News February 21, 2000


NotePage, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of PageGate v3.0 to its existing customers! Some of the new long awaited features include:
- Support for up to 16 dialers for dialup or direct connection
- Supports up to 2000 characters per message
- New object oriented administration program with many new features and capabilities
- Runs as Windows NT System service
- Runs as Windows 95/98 Service
- Real-time monitoring program can be run remotely over a LAN, WAN or the Internet
- Improved GetAscii interface can poll for files from multiple locations, and no longer needs a specific file format
- Scheduled and repeating messages can be edited and modified
- GUI interface for programming on-call groups
- NotePager Net (GUI) client can be run from a shared network drive
- Three levels of password protection has been added
- System tray control icons for easy access to applications
- Unique initializations strings and dialing prefixes for each dialer
- Option to pass or drop non-printable characters (ie. tabs, carriage returns, line feeds, etc..)
- Any dialer can support a direct connection or dedicated carrier
- NotePager Net (GUI) client supports Ad-Hoc paging

Please note you will need your existing serial number (3-4 digits) in order to upgrade. If you have purchased within the last 90 days the upgrade is available free of charge, contact to receive the version upgrade. IMPORTANT: Version 2 registration keys will not work in version 3. You must obtain a version 3 key prior to upgrading PageGate. Otherwise PageGate version 3 will run in shareware mode limiting its functionality.



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