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Integrating The Bat! with NotePager Pro

Send Text and SMS Messages from The Bat!

The Bat! v3 and NotePager V3 Integration instructions

1. Setup The Bat! normally (refer to documentation).

2. Test The Bat! to be sure it automatically collects new email messages properly.

3. Setup NotePager Pro normally (refer to documentation).

4. Send a test message to your wireless device to verify NotePager Pro's configuration.

5. In NotePager Pro make note of your recipient's 'Short Name', found on the recipient's setup screen.

6. In The Bat!, go to 'Account' -> 'Sorting office/filters'.

7. Create a new filter that will filter the messages you want sent to your wireless device.

8. On the 'Actions' tab of the filter screen, add the 'Export message to file' action.

9. In the 'Export message to file' field, enter the path to your NotePager Pro program folder, and add 'message.asc' to the end of the path, as the filename (i.e. C:\Program Files\NotePager Pro\message.asc).

10. For the 'Export format', choose 'Plain text'.

11. Click on the 'Template...' button.

12. Enter the following into the template text box:


Substitute the short name of your recipient in NotePager Pro, for 'mypager'. Other formatting or macros can be used to adjust the text sent to NotePager Pro.

13. For 'When the destination file exists', choose 'Increment file name'.

14. Click 'Ok' to save your new filter's settings.

15. Leave The Bat! and NotePager Pro running so new messages are collected, filterd, and (if necessary) sent to your wireless device.

Features & Benefits
Technical Support - support
Download - free evaluation download(s)
Purchase - purchase options
The Bat! - manufacturer website

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