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How PageGate Sends Pages Video Tutorial

How PageGate Sends Pages

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How PageGate Sends Pages Transcript for Video:
Welcome to the video tutorial on how PageGate sends pages. In this tutorial, we'll be going over the different possible methods of delivering messages to a pager, including sending to on-site paging transmitters and internet hosts

When you want to send a message to a pager, you'll need to know who that pager is hosted through. Pagers can be hosted through third party companies, like SPOK/USA Mobility and American Messaging, or they can be hosted through an on-site solution, such as a Zetron, Motorola and WaveWare paging terminals.

If the pagers are hosted through a company, that company will provide internet and potentially even modem based methods of sending messages to their pagers. The three possible internet protocols to use are SNPP, WCTP and SMTP and the modem based protocol is TAP.

For example, both SPOK and American Messaging support all four protocols. So, you could use your internet connection and send messages using SNPP, WCTP and SMTP or you could use a modem to deliver the messages by TAP. This opens up interesting possibilities because PageGate can use multiple protocols in a tiered failover system.

So, you could configure SNPP as the primary method of delivery but if there are issues connecting or negotiating with that host, the program would automatically fail over to use WCTP. You could then configure a further level of failover to go from WCTP to SMTP. If the system has access to a modem, you could then configure a final level of failover to go from SMTP to TAP in the event that the internet is down or all internet methods fail.

If the pagers are instead hosted through an on-site paging transmitter, that paging transmitter will either accept messages by negotiating the TAP protocol by serial, modem or IP.

If the PageGate server is physically close enough to the paging transmitter, you can connect an RS-232 cable from the PageGate server to the TAP port on the paging transmitter to give PageGate physical access to negotiate TAP with the device.

If the paging transmitter isn't close enough to be connected by serial cable and has dial-in capability, you can configure PageGate to use a modem to dial the paging transmitter to deliver the messages.

With virtual servers becoming more ubiquitous, it's important to note that there are serial and COM port virtualizers that can make these physical connections available to virtual machines. So, it's still entirely possible to use an on-site paging transmitter in a virtual environment as long as you have the appropriate serial and COM port virtualizers in place.

Some modern paging transmitters support receiving the TAP protocol to their IP. If your paging transmitter supports this function, you can configure a TAP-IP carrier in PageGate to negotiate the TAP protocol by TCP with the transmitter.

This concludes the video tutorial on how PageGate sends email. For more information, including how to configure PageGate to send pages.

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