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PageGate Advanced ASCII Setup Video Tutorial

PageGate Advanced ASCII Setup

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PageGate Advanced ASCII Setup Transcript for Video:
Welcome to the tutorial on how to configure the Advanced Options for the GetAscii module in PageGate.

In this tutorial, we'll be going over how to configure the program to read in non-standard ascii data types.

Before we begin with the configuration, I'm going to pull up an example of a standard ASCII data file.

You should notice that the first line of the file is the recipient the message should be delivered to.

The second line identifies who sent the message.

The third and following lines tells the program what message to be sent to the recipient.

Now I'm going to pull up an example of a nonstandard ASCII data file.

You should notice that the data looks nothing like the standard file. Even though the data is in different places and parsed by different strings, the program can still read this data file in, parse the data, and send out the message.

So, to begin, run the PageGate Admin.

In Windows, go to your start menu, go to programs, find the PageGate program group, and left click on the PageGate Admin.

Once in the Admin, left click on the + next to Interfaces.

Then click on the + next to GetAscii.

Click on the + next to Settings under GetAscii.

Left click on the + next to Advanced Polling and you'll see these sections expand: Files, Symbols, Record, Recipient, Sender, and Message.

The first step is to click on the Files section.

The Files section allows you to specify new polling directories and also allows you to specify nonstandard file types for the program to look for.

Left click on Add.

In the Add Polling Entry section, you'll see the following fields.

The Recipient section allows you to specify whether files of a certain type should always go to the exact same recipient or group or if it should apply to all recipients and groups.

For this example, we're going to leave the Recipient as an Asterisk, indicating all recipients and groups.

Next is the From field. If you want to hard code a sender's name that will override any sender's information read in from a file, enter it here.

In the Files section, specify the specific file name or extension of the files to look for.

If you remember, my nonstandard sample file ended in .txt

By default, PageGate does not look for .txt files but it looks for .asc files. In order for PageGate to read in a .txt file, we'll need to enter *.txt in the File(s) section.

Next is the path. If these .txt files are going to be written to the standard polling directory, enter it there. If the fields are going to be written to a completely separate directory, left click on the elapses button, browse out to the folder, select it, then left click on okay.

Finally, we have the File Type. Since we want to read in a nonstandard ASCII data file, change this to Custom.

After entering your information, left click on Apply.

Left click on Apply one more time to close the Advanced Polling files.

The next category is Symbols.

By default, the program considers the following characters as special symbols:

? represents a single character wildcard.

* represents Multiple characters.

~ represents the end of record symbol.

\ represents the beginning of an ASCII value.

More often than not, you'll want to leave these symbols on their default values.

Next we have the Record section.

The record defines the full record, from beginning to end, and should not be confused with the message. All information contained within a single file is considered a record.

If we want PageGate to consider all information in a file, from start to finish, a record then we'll need to change the start pattern to a *, indicating any character can be the first character of the record.

Then change the End Pattern to a ~ and left click on Apply.

Next we have the Recipient section.

In this section, we can specify a static recipient or group, indicating that all custom files processed should always go to a specific recipient or group or we can choose to have the program dynamically process the data of the record for the recipient information.

In this case, we want to have a Dynamic Recipient.

In the background, you should see the nonstandard sample that we saw earlier.

To get PageGate to properly process the data, we'll need to tell it how to do so.

The Start Pattern indicates the character or string of characters that will always precede the recipient value. In the example file, this is Name=

So, in the Start Pattern, enter Name=

The Start Offset, in this case, needs to be set to 5 since Name= is five characters. This tells PageGate not to actually include the Start Pattern as part of the recipient's name.

The End pattern indicates the character or string of characters that will always come after the recipient value. In this example, it's a carriage return.

To enter a carriage return as an end pattern, we first need to know what the ASCII value for a carriage return is. It's \013. If you'll remember the \ indicates the ASCII value delimiter and let's the program know that this sequence is to be considered an ASCII string.

Change the End Offset to -1 to tell the program not to include the carriage return as part of the end pattern.

Below that, you'll see a checkbox that says "Use Lookup Table".

The lookup table function allows use to modify data on the fly. So, in the example data file, you'll see that the recipient referenced is 'sample'.

I don't have a recipient named sample, so the message will fill if the program attempts to read the data in as it is.

Put a check in Lookup Table, then left click on the Edit Table button.

Left click on Add.

Now, in my example, I don't have a recipient named sample, so for the data in, I'm going to enter sample

Then, in the data out, I'm going to enter the name of a valid recipient in the program: sample_smtp_recipient.

Left click on Apply, then left click on Apply again.

Next is the Sender section.

In my example file, the sender is denoted by the 'Generated by=' line.

So, my start pattern is going to be Generated by= and the start offset is going to be 13, since there are thirteen characters in Generated by=

Next, we need to tell it the End Pattern. In the Recipient section, we used a carriage return because it was the first carriage return in the file.

If we attempt to use a carriage return in the sender's end pattern, the program won't know what to do and won't process the data properly.

In my example file, my end pattern for the Sender's information is actually the following line. So, in the end pattern, I'm going to enter Generated on= and set the offset to -14. The reason I set it to -14 is that I want the program NOT to include the data value... and I also don't want it to include the carriage return.

As in the recipient section, you can use the lookup table to search and replace data strings within the sender's value.

Left click on Apply.

The final section is the message section.

In my example file, the start pattern would be Message contents= and my start offset will be 17.

The end pattern we will set to a ~ because we want all information between Message contents= and the end of the file. Leave the end offset at zero.

Left click on Apply.

This concludes the tutorial for how to configure the Advanced Options for the GetAscii module in PageGate. For more tutorials, including how to configure the other modules of PageGate, please visit our website, www.notepage.net

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