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PageGate Connectors Direct Connect Video Tutorials

PageGate Connectors

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PageGate Connectors for Direct Connect Transcript for Video:

Welcome to the tutorial on how to configure the Connectors in PageGate a direct connection to a serial terminal.

The first step is to run the PageGate Admin, so go to your start menu, go to Programs, find the PageGate program group, and left click on PageGate Admin.

Once in the admin, left click on the + next to the Connectors section.

Then click on the + next to Connector 1 and left click on Settings.

Here in the settings of connector 1, you'll see the following fields.

To configure a connector to send via serial to a paging terminal, you'll first need to specify the communications port.

To do this, find the Serial Port field and left click on the Drop Down arrow next to it.

The Serial Port MUST match the COM port that the serial cable is plugged in to.

After selecting the serial port, look for the Init String field. By default, this should be set to (auto) so that the program will automatically determine the best initialization string to use with your modem but we're not using a modem. So, left click in the init string field, not on the drop down arrow, and hit the backspace key on your keyboard to clear this information out.

Once it is empty, type in the word direct in all lower case letters.

Below that, we have the Dialing Prefix. Make sure this is completely blank.

By default, the Dedicated Carrier field set to none. If you are using a direct serial connection, the dedicated carrier must be set to the carrier for your TAP terminal.

Put a check mark in Direct Connect.

After setting your communications preferences, left click on Apply.

This concludes the tutorial on how to configure the Connectors in PageGate for Internet and modem or Internet only traffic. For more tutorials, including how to configure the connectors for direct connections to a serial terminal, please visit our website, www.notepage.net

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